Friday, 7 August 2009


This article:

inspired me to start this blog. This blog will be about education and what works in education. My theory is that our current public school system does not to teach different kinds of intelligence, nor does it value different kinds of intelligence.

Lehrer's article was amazing. The idea of "grit" (sticking with something as an indicator of success) is interesting because grit may matter as much, if not more, than intelligence. According to the article, grit is the ability to stick with, and achieve, a long-term goal. Success isn't necessarily IQ and/or ability, a big part of success is sticking with something. Thus, grit seems to be a type of intelligence.

As an educator, I can see how it's difficult to teach students "grit". I imagine the best way to do this would be to teach about people who have worked hard and failed often, but never gave up. Since effort may matter as much, if not more, than intelligence, teachers should praise more for hard work than for intelligence.

On a personal note, I am am one who struggles with "grit." Academically, I dropped out of five colleges before I finished one. In my personal life, I've had dozens of jobs and addresses. So, I have a vested interest in the idea that grit can be learned. And this blog will be the test. Can I blog once a week for this academic year?

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